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med students at YaleSchool of Medicine

Learn for life, not just exam day

AMBOSS Library

>25,000 textbooks, medical journals, guidelines, and papers distilled into 1 digital platform

>10,000 radiographic images, videos, illustrations, and flowcharts

Anki add-on that automatically links terms to the Library for more efficient learning

Achieve higher test scores using better technology


>2,700 Step 1 and >3,900 Step 2 and Shelf practice questions, with explanations that link to the Library

100% USMLE® and NBME® exam coverage

Unique tools to improve test-taking skills, such as Attending Tips and Key Info Highlights

Reach for trusted clinical support when you need it

AMBOSS Clinician Mode

Additional diagnostic and treatment guidance for your clerkships and sub-internships

Interactive checklists of critical steps in the management of hospitalized patients

Full drug database plus instant access to first-line drug dosages

"AMBOSS changed the game... My only wish was that I started using it sooner!"

Kate from Georgetown School of Medicine

Two top-rated apps for on-the-go learning and look-ups

The AMBOSS Knowledge and Qbank apps were designed to provide students and physicians instant medical knowledge and guidance online and offline.

See what AMBOSS does for you. Today.

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